Our Commitment to Quality
Black Creek Community Health Centre is committed to improve the quality of your care and experience.
Our Quality Improvement Plan outlines our goals and actions in to ensure that you get the Care You Deserve:
Collect and use sociodemographic data to learn more about who you are and what factors impact your health and wellbeing.
Connect you with the supports you need to better access healthy foods and wellness services.
Timely and Efficient
Help you access your health care provider in a timely manner, based on your unique needs.
Make sure you are up to date on your Cancer screenings.
Service Excellence and Person-Centred
Ensure you, your family and caregivers are listened to and feel involved in making decisions about your care and treatment.
Safe and Effective
Use evidence-based practices to help with pain management.
For more information about our Quality Improvement Plan,
contact Michelle Westin – Director of Strategy and Innovation or call 416-249-8000.
Visit Health Quality Ontario to learn more about Quality Improvement in the Health Sector.