Cybersecurity Incident
What Happened?
On October 31, 2024, Black Creek Community Health Centre (BCCHC) learned that an unauthorized party gained access to a portion of our network and deployed malware, disrupting several of our Information Technology (IT) systems. We began working immediately to isolate the affected systems and restore our data, contain the threat, investigate the full scope of the incident and to ensure our systems were safe to continue our operations. This was done with the help our IT provider and cybersecurity experts. Through the investigation, BCCHC became aware that certain information may have been accessed by the unauthorized party, including client data in the form of scanned charts, among other documents.
How am I Affected?
If you have received services from BCCHC, you may have been impacted by this incident. It is possible that the following personal information of yours may have been included in the information accessed during the incident: Name, Address, Emergency contact information, Date of birth, Health card number, Test results and Care plan. The type of personal information impacted may vary based on the nature of the service you received at BCCHC.
What We Are Doing
Data privacy is of utmost importance to BCCHC. We have taken additional measures to further strengthen our security controls to limit the potential of this type of incident happening again. We are also working with cybersecurity experts to incorporate any lessons learned from this incident into our work. We have notified the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario and reported this incident to law enforcement.
At this time, there is no evidence that any of the data involved in this incident has been misused for fraudulent purposes. We continue to monitor the internet, including the dark web, for any activity related to this incident. If we become aware of any misuse of our information, we will provide you with an update. We have consulted with cybersecurity experts and determined the type of information affected has minimal risk of identity theft or fraud.
What Do I Do Now?
There are no additional steps you need to take.
It is important to always remain vigilant in protecting your information by monitoring your online accounts and reporting any unusual activity to the police and service providers.
A reminder that we only request confidential information from you in-person or through the use of secure software and only after receiving consent from you to receive e-mail communication from us.
You have a right to file a complaint with the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC). To do so, you can visit the IPC’s website and complete the complaint form or email the form to You may also mail the completed form to:
Registrar, Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario 1400-2 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1A8 For more information, you may contact the IPC by telephone (416-325-7539) or email (
Contact Us
If you have any further questions not addressed by this communication, please contact us at 437-604-1590, or at
We remain committed to providing you with the highest quality of services at BCCHC.
Thank you for your understanding of this matter.