COVID -19 Vaccine Clinics
You may have questions about COVID-19 vaccines:
- Is it safe?
- What’s in the vaccines?
- Can I get vaccinated if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?
- When can I get the vaccine?
The information below is not meant to take the place of professional medical advice. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have questions.
Learn about vaccine benefits, risks, side-effects, and allergies, as well as information regarding vaccinating seniors and women while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Visit: City of Toronto – Toronto Public Health website to learn more.
Where to get a COVID-19 Vaccine:
COVID-19 vaccines are available through local pharmacies.
Visit the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic information page to learn more.
Vaccine Consultations
Do you have questions about COVID Vaccines? There are health professionals available to help:
VAXFacts: Scarborough Health Network offers you the ability to book a consultation with a doctor to answer your questions about vaccines.
Book online or call 416-438-2911 ext. 5738 for more information.
For Members of Black Communities
Scarborough Health Network’s VaxFacts Clinic, in collaboration with the Black Physicians’ Association of Ontario (BPAO), is pleased to offer a separate stream for Black communities to access culturally-safe vaccine information. This VaxFacts service is meant for members of Black communities to have a safe space to discuss vaccines with a trusted healthcare provider who is also from the Black community.

Government of Ontario
- Ethical framework
- Vaccine Distribution Task Force
Government of Canada
- Vaccine Safety Monitoring
- COVID-19 Networks and Task Forces
Networks have been designed to raise awareness and advocate for support and resources for the unique needs of communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
Black Scientists Task Force on Vaccine Equity
The Task Force promotes Black Canadian community’s well-being and health by sharing accurate information from credible sources, including health and medical professionals, academics, and scientists.
South Asian Health Network
Healthcare professionals collaborate to enhance the health and wellbeing of South Asian and other racialized communities by creating culturally appropriate educational health content and public-facing advocacy to address structural inequities in health care and public health.
Latin American COVID Taskforce
The Task Force informs and advocates for community members who have been affected by the pandemic in the GTA.
The Latina American Task Force focuses on three areas:
- Up-to-date and relevant information
- Highlight and advocate for the unique needs of Latin American groups and communities, including essential workers. Often, Latin Americans living and working in marginalized areas – agricultural/seasonal workers, undocumented/non-insured Latin Americans with disabilities etc.
- Collaborate to produce knowledge that involves the Latin American population.
El Grupo de Trabajo Latinoamerican@ tiene como objetivo informar y abogar por miembros de las comunidades Latinas más afectadas por la pandemia en el GTA.
El grupo centra su trabajo en 3 áreas:
- Proveer información actualizada y relevante relacionada a la pandemia
- Destacar y abogar por las necesidades particulares de grupos y comunidades Latinoamericanas, incluyendo trabajadores esenciales, Latinoamericanos que trabajan y viven en áreas marginalizadas, trabajadores temporales, Latinoamericanos indocumentados, LA con discapacidades, etc.
- Colaborar en la producción de conocimiento que envuelve a la población Latinoamericana