Client Rights &
The term “Client” refers to all individuals who come to our centre for services, programs and /or other activities sponsored by Black Creek Community Health Centre.
Black Creek Community Health Centre (BCCHC) recognizes the basic human rights of clients to independent expression, choice and action, and ensures that each individual is given consideration, privacy and confidentiality, and is treated with respect and dignity.
Our clients have the right to:
- Be treated with dignity, courtesy and respect;
- Have their values, and beliefs respected.
- Participate in activities, and receive services in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment and is respectful of their culture and beliefs;
- Participate in decision making affecting their care and the care of their children;
- Obtain complete current information concerning their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, in terms that the clients can be reasonably expected to understand;
- Know the name of the health care provider(s) responsible for their care;
- Receive information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure and/or treatment;
- Withhold or withdraw their consent to collect, use or disclose their personal health information;
- Make choices about their own health;
- Refuse treatment or advice and to be informed of the consequences of their refusal;
- Know how the Centre may use and disclose their personal health information and how to get access to it;
- Be informed about preventative health care;
- Receive service and attend programs that take place in a safe, clean and comfortable environment;and
- Provide feedback, or make a complaint about the care or services they received at BCCHC; and,
- For some programs, receive services in French.
Clients have the responsibility to:
- Respect staff, students, volunteers and other clients, no matter what their race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, financial status, ancestry, family status or background;
- Be polite, patient, and understanding, to be considerate of others, and to respect property;
- Be on time;
- Keep their appointments or strive to provide at least 24-hour cancellation notice;
- Ask their health care provider when they need more information or when they do not understand instructions;
- Follow the treatment plan agreed upon with their provider, or contact their provider when unable to do this; and
- Inform BCCHC if they believe they were treated unfairly or received poor service.
In addition to responsibilities stated above, Francophone clients have the responsibility to:
- Request services in French – not all services are available in French, but orientation may be provided